ILP Events
ILP community members receive discounts on workshops, tours and other events that ILP Professional Photographers and ILP Industry Partners choose to advertise here. ILP Pro Photographers and ILP Partners can advertise their events here if you offer at least a 10% discount on the event registration costs to ILP Members. That’s just one of the benefits of an ILP membership.
Explore the complete list of ILP pro events below and take advantage of the discounts you’ll receive. ILP member discounts which quickly add up to more than the cost of your ILP membership.

Here is the list of upcoming ILP events:
Stay tuned for upcoming events from ILPA and ILPA Pro Photographers
A message for fellow pro photographers:
Post your workshops, tours and events here too!
Are you a professional photographer? Or, do you have a landscape photography related business? If yes, then you can advertise your workshops, tours and events here too when you join ILP as a Professional Photographer or an ILP Industry Partner. You’ll also receive your own ILP webpage created with your own content. ILP is an inclusive all about sharing with other like minded photographers. The mission statement of ILP states:
“Bringing landscape photographers together to learn more, see more, feel more and to communicate more through our art”
This mission statement requires us to advertise events from all ILP Professional Photographers and ILP Industry Partners. We facilitate connections between all members helping all of us to learn from each other and from to learn about the other ILPA landscape photography businesses, and their offerings, so that members can be presented with the best workshop, tour and retail opportunities in the industry. These opportunities can help landscape photographers to grow and share their art with others if they’re so inclined.
Our mission statement, and our code of ethics, requires us to take an unbiased approach when offering ILPA members the best events in the industry that our ILPA Professional Photographers and Industry Partners offer. If you decide to join your business with ILPA, we will promote you equally to all ILPA members.
ILPA Professional Photographers and ILPA Industry Partners may also promote their businesses in the trade show during the Summit and in the ILPA Landscape and Wildlife Photography weekly newsletter. Explore the options for exhibiting in the trade show at the Summit for both professional and Industry members on the Join ILP page. Learn how to advertise in our weekly newsletter too. Reach your target market efficiently. Photographers want to know about you too. We want to facilitate these connections and the learning growing out of them.
Past ILP Events:
October 11, 2016
Landscape Photography Across Canada and Around the World
Jan. 13-15, 2017
The 2017 ILP Landscape Photography Summit
Jan. 2018