ILP Professional Photographer Service
Do you work in the best interests of your customers as well as yourself?
Have you taken steps to create a respectful environment for both your customers and yourself?
If you answered yes then we want to help you to
become even more successful than you already are now!
Members of ILP are bound by the ILP Community Code of Ethics to ensure that they take steps to respectfully operate in the ILP Community. All photographers and businesses in the community can relax knowing that events and products offered through ILP channels are bound to honor the ILP Community Code of Ethics.
ILP Professional Photographer benefits:
By choosing to use the ILP Professional Photographer service you can promote your own outdoor workshops, tours and events to the broader ILP community including:
- 50000+ outdoor photographers in the extended ILP social community
- curated access to 3000+ subscribers on the “The Industry Insiders” CASA, CASL, and GDPR compliant email list
- link your events on the ILP Events page on the website
- have a business profile on the ILP Professional Photographer page with social and website links
Do you want to have a presence at the ILP Summit and ILP events?
ILP Pro photographers who offer relevant products to other landscape and wildlife photographers will gain excess to promote their businesses at The ILP Summit.
- Elevate the exposure of your business in the industry and develop your presence in the extended ILP community at the Summit by speaking directly to the photographers who want to speak to you too. Promote your products to your ideal target market showcasing the products you sell that Summit attendees are interested in buying.
- exhibit at the ILP Summit with a 75% discount on regular exhibition rates
- Display your business banners at The Summit, on the website and ILP events
- Potential to present at the next ILP Summit
We believe that when you use the ILP Professional Photographer service you will help your business’ bottom line. The overall goal of ILP is that everyone benefits when they become a member. It’s in our mission statement. Helping other photographers in the community includes helping everyone. Let us help you.