ILP Photographer
Service Introduction
Thank you for your interest in the ILP photographer service.
Now that you’ve signed up to receive the free ILP Services let’s get those free services started! You may want to bookmark this page and/or save to refer to it later.
The next steps:
Your ILP website listing and linking
Let’s get rolling on lining our websites together. To get your ILP website listing send us:
1/ Your website and/or Facebook page name(s). One website and FB page listing is included.
2/ URLs for the sites/pages you listed above so we can link to you.
The only thing that I ask, and this is optional, is that you add a backlink on your own website and/FB page back to your listing on the ILP website please! When you do this the power of SEO backlinks compound.
The compunding power of mutual backlinks:
If you place a backlink on to your website/FB page back to your ILP listing on the ILP site, and I do the same for you on your ILPA webpage linking back to your website, then both of websites will rank higher in search engine results. Reasonable family friendly restrictions on the appropriateness of your requested backlink will apply.
Let’s get Social! Join the free regional Canadian landscape and wildlife FB groups and like the ILP page
One last thing. Be sure to like the ILPA facebook page if you haven’t done so already. Join as many of the free Canadian regional landscape and wildlife FB groups as you’d like to network with other like minded photographers in the area of Canada you live, or where you would like to visit. The Extended ILP community has ~50000 subscribers and/or participants.
This is the link to the list to all of the free Canadian ILP FB groups
Most of the day to day ILPA group social communications will be done via the International Landscape Photographer’s FB page. Be sure to join this group too. Other important ILPA notifications, like when the quarterly newsletter is posted to the website, or a reminder to renew your membership, will be emailed to you using the email address you provided when registering.
Did I miss anything?
If you think I missed something then please do not hesitate to contact us. Our email is if you have a question. We may email you letting you know that we answered your question on the facebook page, or in a blog post on the website, if we think that others may benefit from the answer to your great question. If your question is posted publicly, then we’ll keep your identify private in the Q&A post by using language like “We got a great question from K. today. He asked…”
Welcome to the engaged ILP community! I look forward to seeing you on the ILP website, in the future at the next Summit or at one of the ILP presentations, tours, or workshops across Canada on the other side of the world!